Why Trauma Care is Not Expensive: Detailed Analysis of Actual Costs and Cost Differences of Patient Cohorts


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Background Trauma patients are resource intensive, requiring a variety of medical and procedural interventions during hospitalization. These expenses often label trauma care as "high cost" based on gross hospital charges. We hypothesized that a financial metric built on actual costs and clinically relevant trauma patient cohorts would demonstrate a lower true cost of trauma care than the standardly reported gross hospital charges. Methods We examined all trauma patients (>= 16 yr) treated in 2017 from a single institution and matched them to the institution's detailed financial accounting data. The organization's Financial Operations Division is uniquely able to allocate total operating costs across patient encounters to include medications, procedures, and salaries/fees from medical professionals and administrators. Patient subgroups were identified by Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) criteria for cost comparisons. Results Overall median cost per patient was $6,544 [IQR $4,975-14,532] for 2,548 patients. The median cost per patient increased with Injury Severity Score (ISS) ranging from $5,457(ISS <= 7) to $34,898(ISS >= 21), each accompanied by an average 548% increase in gross charges. Costs also varied widely from $13,498 [IQR $8,247-26,254] to $45,759 [IQR $22,186-113,993] across TQIP patient cohorts. Of the total cost, 91% was attributed to personnel alone. Discussion Measuring the true cost of trauma care is feasible. As hypothesized, the true cost of trauma care is lower than charges. True cost increased with injury severity with variable cost across subgroups. Non-physician staff and administration are the largest component of the cost of trauma care.
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Key words
health care economics, hospital costs, trauma true cost, finance metric
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