Building Spectral Libraries from Narrow-Window Data-Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry Data.

Journal of proteome research(2022)

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Advances in library-based methods for peptide detection from data-independent acquisition (DIA) mass spectrometry have made it possible to detect and quantify tens of thousands of peptides in a single mass spectrometry run. However, many of these methods rely on a comprehensive, high-quality spectral library containing information about the expected retention time and fragmentation patterns of peptides in the sample. Empirical spectral libraries are often generated through data-dependent acquisition and may suffer from biases as a result. Spectral libraries can be generated in silico, but these models are not trained to handle all possible post-translational modifications. Here, we propose a false discovery rate-controlled spectrum-centric search workflow to generate spectral libraries directly from gas-phase fractionated DIA tandem mass spectrometry data. We demonstrate that this strategy is able to detect phosphorylated peptides and can be used to generate a spectral library for accurate peptide detection and quantitation in wide-window DIA data. We compare the results of this search workflow to other library-free approaches and demonstrate that our search is competitive in terms of accuracy and sensitivity. These results demonstrate that the proposed workflow has the capacity to generate spectral libraries while avoiding the limitations of other methods.
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