Residential MRI: Development of A Mobile Anywhere-Everywhere MRI Lab

Sean CL Deoni, Paul Medeiros, Alexandra T. Deoni,Phoebe Burton,Jennifer Beauchemin,Viren D’Sa, Eddy Boskamp,Samantha By, Chris McNulty, William Mileski,Brian E. Welch,Matthew Huentelman


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enables unprecedented visualization of brain and central nervous system anatomy, microstructure, function, and physiology. However, unlike electroencephalography (EEG) or functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), which can be used within a doctor’s office, research laboratory, or at a participant’s home, MRI remains a hospital or center-based modality. The need for patients or research participants to travel to the scanner limits overall healthcare access and potentially biases research study populations. The recent introduction of low magnetic field strength, lightweight, and portable MRI systems offer the potential to extend beyond these traditional hospital and imaging center boundaries. Here we describe the development and deployment of a mobile imaging lab in a modified cargo van that incorporates a removable low field permanent magnet MRI system. The mobile lab allows, for the first time, rapid and routine ‘residential’ MRI that can be performed at home, community center, school, etc. Breaking traditional barriers of access, this mobile approach will enable imaging of patients and participants who have mobility challenges, live long distances from imaging centers, or are otherwise unable to travel to an imaging center or hospital.
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