Fe, Zn & Protein content in grain, per se performance, heterosis, combining ability of grain yield in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) under normal & late sowing condition.

Gita R. Chaudhari, D. A. Patel, D. J. Parmar Parmar,K. C. Patel

Research Square (Research Square)(2022)

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Abstract The aim of this study was to understand the inheritance of grain iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and protein concentrations in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under normal & late sown condition. The half diallel cross were made, using ten parents. The crosses and parents were evaluated in replicated trials for two conditions and to assess the possibility of exploiting heterosis to improve these micronutrients. The perusal of results revealed that hybrid GW 451 × GW 173 was consistent for both better parent (BH) and standard heterotic effects (SH) in all the environments. In both the sowing condition, General Combining Ability (GCA) effects of parents and Specific Combining Ability (SCA) effects of hybrids were observed to be contrasting for the micronutrient & protein content. However, s2A/s2D greater than unity confirmed the preponderance of additive gene action for only protein content and GW 173 was identified as good general combiners for these characters under both environments.
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Key words
bread wheat,grain yield,protein content
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