The effect of Staff competency in Strategy Implementation on Water Service Provision in Kakamega County, Kenya


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Abstract: It is believed that implementation is the basis of success/failure of organizational goals. It accounts for rewards attained in efficient and effective resources mapping, distribution and utilization. Kakamega County Urban Water and Sanitation Company has recorded below requisite supply of water from its water resources. Like all water services, they operate with a strategic management plan. This study sought to establish the effects of strategic implementation on water service provision in Kakamega County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: Determine the effect of staff competency in strategy implementation on urban water service provision in Kakamega County. It was anchored on the systems theory and the resource-based theory. The study targeted 176 employees of Kakamega County and Urban Water Sanitation Company of out of whom 130 were selected using Krecjie and Morgan (1970). Mixed methods design was used to collect data with semistructured questionnaire was used to collect primary data from the regular staff while interview guide was used to collect qualitative information from KII who were the senior managers. Data was analyzed with the help of computer supported software (SPSS) and presented using descriptive and inferential statistics techniques while qualitative results were presented thematically in prose. System Model and and Resource Based -Theory supported study variables. The study adopted multiple linear regression in testing hypothesis. The study revealed that staff competency in strategy implementation had a significant effect on water service provision in Kakamega County. The study recommends adoption of the competency-based strategic management model that allows for the use of human resource management efforts to plan, capture, develop and evaluate the competencies that are necessary to meet water service provision objectives at the different levels.
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