Improving Integrated STEM Education: The Design and Development of a K-12 STEM Observation Protocol (STEM-OP) (RTP)

Emily A. Dare, Benny Mart Reblando Hiwatig,Khomson Keratithamkul,Joshua A. Ellis,Gillian H. Roehrig,Emily A. Dare, Mark Rouleau, Farah Faruqi, Corbin Rice,Preethi Titu, Feng Li,Jeanna R. Wieselmann,Elizabeth A. Crotty

2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access(2021)

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Dr. Emily Dare is an Assistant Professor of Science Education at Florida International University. Dr. Dare’s research interests focus on K-12 STEM education. In particular, she is interested in supporting science teachers’ pedagogy while also exploring their beliefs about teaching and learning. As science classrooms shift towards integrated STEM approaches that include engineering design as a central component, this is especially critical. Additionally, Dr. Dare has a passion for working with K-12 students to understand how changes in classroom instruction towards these integrated STEM approaches impact their attitudes towards and beliefs about STEM fields. In particular, she examines methods that positively impact girls, which may increase the number of women pursuing careers in STEM-related fields where they are currently underrepresented.
stem observation protocol,integrated stem education,rtp
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