Alat pengenalan huruf braille untuk murid tunanetra dengan kontrol android

STMIK Royal,Prodi Sistem Komputer, Prodi Sistem Informasi


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Education is one of the basic needs that must be met by every individual. Everyone has the right to receive proper education, both normal people and people with special needs, one of which is people with visual needs. In the learning process, blind people generally use special letters in terms of reading and writing, namely braille letters or characters. From the results of observations at SDLB Negeri 017700, a problem was found, namely that there were no special teachers who taught braille and students still had difficulty recognizing braille letters. Therefore, a tool is proposed, namely a braille letter recognition tool with android control based on Arduino with a Servo motor as the tool driver and HC-05 as a link between Android and the device being made. This tool not only aims to assist teachers in delivering material about braille letters, but also aims to help students recognize braille letters.
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