Review of the measurement of Dynamic Capabilities

ESIC Market(2022)

Cited 4|Views4
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Objective: The objective of the paper is to identify relations between digital transformation and the micro-foundations of the dynamic capabilities within the automotive sector.Methodology: To achieve the previous goal, the analysis is based on a literature review and expert judgments through a survey. Then, from a quantitative methodology of exploratory analysis the correct assignment of the indicators as well as a SEM analysis of structural equations with latent variables as a statistical technique has been used. Results: Therefore, using the indicators already presented, it has been possible to establish the relationship model. We have been able to present how all these indicators correspond to dynamic capabilities, and it is the digital transformations that generate them. Limitations: the research presents some limitations that should be considered when contextualizing the work done. The most representative one is the difficulty of obtaining a larger sample, because out of 142 surveys, only 42 responses were obtained, due to the limited time respondents had to attend to the researcher.Practical implications: the automotive industry is continuously impacted with the introduction of new technologies, which makes it necessary for organizations to adapt to the fast pace of growth. Furthermore, companies that understand the importance of digital transformation show more modern work styles, consider user preferences and the information they can obtain from the context.
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