Pembuatan Motion Graphic Penanganan

Sofiyanti Indriasari, Sendhy Pratama Putra, Evi Savitri


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Balai Besar Pascapanen is a working unit of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency in charge of carrying out research and development of agricultural post-harvest technology as well as the utilization of agricultural postharvest products such as research in processing chili peppers into chili powder, chili oil, and chili paste. BB Pascapanen has produced many processed chili peppers from agricultural products that have high quality and selling power that are much in demand by the public. The information published today is only through websites and leaflets, so many people do not yet know the information contained in BB Pascapanen. One of its efforts is by making motion graphics that display the process of postharvest handling technology and post-harvest technology for processed chili peppers. The creation of this motion graphic is one of many efforts in the dissemination of information and promotional media of BB Pascapanen. The method used in the creation of motion graphics through seven stages. These stages include discussion, planning, material collection, implementation, testing, revision and distribution. Based on the tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the media delivery for information related to post-harvest handling and technology for processed chili peppers using motion graphics become the choice for the public among millennials.
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