Vi-Fi: Associating Moving Subjects across Vision and Wireless Sensors

2022 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)(2022)

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In this paper, we present Vi-Fi, a multi-modal system that leverages a user's smartphone WiFi Fine Timing Measurements (FTM) and inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor data to associate the user detected on a camera footage with their corresponding smartphone identifier (e.g. WiFi MAC address). Our approach uses a recurrent multi-modal deep neural network that exploits FTM and IMU measurements along with distance between user and camera (depth information) to learn affinity matrices. As a baseline method for comparison, we also present a traditional non deep learning approach that uses bipartite graph matching. To facilitate evaluation, we collected a multi-modal dataset that comprises camera videos with depth information (RGB-D), WiFi FTM and IMU measurements for multiple participants at diverse real-world settings. Using association accuracy as the key metric for evaluating the fidelity of Vi-Fi in associating human users on camera feed with their phone IDs, we show that Vi-Fi achieves between 81% (real-time) to 91% (offline) association accuracy.
Vi-Fi,moving subjects,wireless sensors,multimodal system,camera footage,corresponding smartphone identifier,multimodal deep neural network,depth information,traditional nondeep learning approach,multimodal dataset,camera videos,human users,camera feed,91% association accuracy
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