Library communication in the socio-cultural space of modern society

University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings(2021)

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Objective. To represent library communication in the socio-cultural space of modern society. Methods. The methodology of the article was based on a set of general and special methods of scientific knowledge. Results. We substantiated the essence and content of the term "library communication" as a pre-planned activity in the socio-cultural space of modern society. There are presented the structural content elements of library communication:, goal, objective, essence, driving mechanism, purpose, implementation, basic tools, main communication product, indifferent components, sources, environment and specifics of functioning, levels and result. We established that library practice today is constantly enriched with new phenomena and concepts to denote them, for which library science as a science should formulate appropriate terms, provide theoretical and methodological justification. Conclusions. It is argued that in the context of the theory of social communications, the institutionalization of the term "library communication" as a separate type of professional communication and the driving force of the transformation of the library business is relevant.
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Key words
library,modern society,communication,socio-cultural
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