A Prolegomenon for Improving Observability in iRODS


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Observability is an emerging practice for measuring and interpreting the pulse of complex and distributed software systems. Software developers and IT teams need to understand when and why there is an abnormal behavior, how to mitigate that within a short time. With the acceleration of complexity, scale, and dynamic architectures coupled with automatic software patching, malicious intrusions and system breakdowns, high throughput system need more than to react to events but proactively predict and mitigate anomalous behavior before it happened. Challenges due to multiple combinations of things going wrong, and sympathetic reinforcements of faults can make it hard to track how errors are manifesting and how a system is behaving. Observability couples the ability to capture runtime telemetry with a visual and reasoning system that can detect and pinpoint abnormal behavior deep in the system before it can affect the performance of the whole system. Introduced first in control theory, observability is a measure of how well internal states of a system can be inferred by knowledge of its external outputs. The iRODS software system is not only a very complex and dynamic system it is also being increasingly deployed with other complex software on distributed infrastructures that rely on its high throughput and reliability. An introduction to the concept of observability in iRODS would be very helpful for making sure that a deployed iRODS installation is operating in an optimal manner. Moreover, with observability built into iRODS, one can find operational anomalies in systems that are relying on iRODS and help mitigate them. The iRODS system already has a very strong measurement capability through its logging. Enhancing its capability with tracing, session replay, learning and analysis systems that can provide actionable insight would take iRODS to the next level of performance and resilience. In this paper, we look at various ways one can enhance iRODS to become a highly ’observable’ system.
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