A large outbreak of COVID-19 in a UK prison, October 2020 to April 2021

J. P. Adamson, C. Smith,N. Pacchiarini,T. R. Connor, J. Wallsgrove, I. Coles, C. Frost, A. Edwards,C. Moore, J. Sinha, S. Perrett, C. Craddock,C. Sawyer,A. Waldram,A. Barrasa,D. R. Thomas, P. Daniels, H. Lewis


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Introduction Prisons are susceptible to outbreaks. Control measures focusing on isolation and cohorting negatively affect wellbeing. We present an outbreak of COVID-19 in a large male prison in Wales, UK, 14 October 2020 to 21 April 2021, and discuss control measures. Methods We gathered case-information, including: demographics, staff-residence postcode, resident cell number, work areas/dates, test results, staff interview dates/notes and resident prison-transfer dates. Epidemiological curves were mapped by prison location. Control measures included isolation (exclusion from work or cell-isolation), cohorting (new admissions and work-area groups), asymptomatic testing (case-finding), removal of communal dining and movement restrictions. Facemask use and enhanced hygiene were already in place. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) and interviews determined genetic relationship between cases plausibility of transmission. Results Of 453 cases, 53% (n=242) were staff, most aged 25-34 years (11.5% females, 27.15% males) and symptomatic (64%). Crude attack-rate was higher in staff (29%, 95%CI: 26-64%) than in residents (12%, 95%CI: 9-15%). Conclusions Whole genome sequencing can help differentiate multiple introductions from person-to-person transmission in prisons. It should be introduced alongside asymptomatic testing as soon as possible to control prison outbreaks. Timely epidemiological investigation, including data visualization, allowed dynamic risk assessment and proportionate control measures, minimizing reduction in resident welfare.
COVID-19, epidemiology, infectious disease epidemiology, outbreaks, public health
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