Assessment of the outcomes of eating additional fruits or nuts on periodontal condition – A clinical study

Ajaz Dar,Insha Nissar, Neha Shaktawat, Supriya Sharma, Rajendra Bhati,Monika Tomar

International Journal of Preventive and Clinical Dental Research(2022)

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Background: Periodontal condition is a multifaceted chronic inflammatory condition that necessitates the formation of a pathogenic biofilm, the countenance of which is influenced by a variety of host-dependent factor grounds. The goal of the analyses presented in this article was to establish the outcomes of a huge upsurge in fruit or nut consumption on probing pocket depth. Materials and Methods: After the baseline investigations, the participants were randomly assigned to eat an extra 7kcal/kg body weight/day of additional fruit or nuts by drawing ballots. The ratio of randomization was 1:1. When the entire sums of probing pocket depths of the participants that were a minimum of 4-mm deep were compared amid groups, the difference was statistically significant (P = 0.012). Conclusion: This randomized trial found no evidence that eating a lot of fruits had a deleterious impact on periodontal condition or infection.
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Key words
periodontal condition,additional fruits,nuts,eating
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