Evaluation of the CASTOR social robot in children’s therapy with ASD in social skills


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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social and communication skills. According to the WHO, it is the third most common developmental disability globally, and according to the Colombian Autism League, 1 out of every 160 children has ASD. Therapies target different developmental skills such as language, proprioception, attention, and social skills. These therapies have been adapted to the benefit of patients, which is why social assistance robotics (SAR) has begun to be implemented in these treatments. A study in long-term ASD therapies with the CASTOR social robot of five boys and one girl with ASD in social skills activities is carried out. The results show significant differences in the spontaneous and the therapist-provoked physical interactions. However, the time of visual attention to the therapist increases comparing the first session and the third session. This suggests that physical interaction with the robot is essential during ASD therapies and generates more interest from the participants in the treatment.
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