Lamin A/C mediated invaginations in the nuclear surface allow the nucleus to pass unimpeded through a dense array of fiber-like obstacles


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Cells migrating through pores and fibers in tissue must deform their stiff cell nucleus in order to move. Lamin A/C is known to hinder cell migration by limiting nuclear deformation and passage through confining channels, but its role in nuclear deformation and passage through fibrous environments is less clear. We studied cell and nuclear migration through discrete, closely spaced, slender obstacles which mimic the mechanical properties of collagen fibers. Nuclei bypassed slender obstacles while preserving their overall morphology by deforming around them with deep local invaginations of little resisting force. The obstacles did not impede the nuclear trajectory or cause rupture of the nuclear envelope. Nuclei likewise deformed around single collagen fibers in cells migrating in 3D collagen gels. In contrast to its limiting role in nuclear passage through confining channels, lamin A/C facilitated nuclear deformation and passage through fibrous environments because nuclei in lamin-null (Lmna-/-) cells lost their overall morphology and became entangled on the obstacles. Analogous to surface tension-mediated deformation of a liquid drop, lamin A/C imparts a surface tension on the nucleus that allows nuclear invaginations with little mechanical resistance, preventing nuclear entanglement and allowing nuclear passage through fibrous environments.
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