Eighteen trial-level parity judgment datasets (n = 1016) from five countries: benefits of sharing unified data of cognitive tasks


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Psychological science could greatly benefit from research synthesis, especially when it comes to overcoming limitations of too small samples tested in single studies. However, initiatives aimed at sharing large, curated trial-level data from cognitive tasks remain scarce. To address this problem, we initiated a collective effort allowing to assemble and report a collection of eighteen datasets of the speeded bimanual parity judgment of single-digit numbers with response-to-key assignment flipped mid-experiment (hereafter SNARC-B-PJ). SNARC-B-PJ is one of the most popular tasks in numerical cognition and is used to evaluate the Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes effect (SNARC), a hallmark effect for Spatial-Numerical Associations (SNAs) more generally. Datasets, related to both published and unpublished studies, were collected in eight labs across five countries, totaling 1016 healthy adult participants. We provide thorough documentation and a tentative outline of potential future analyses of these datasets. We also intend to expand this resource and encourage potentially interested colleagues to contribute to this database. At the same time, we generalize our approach by discussing potential benefits of building similar databases comprising data from other popular tasks used in cognitive psychology.
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