TU Wien at TREC DL and Podcast 2021: Simple Compression for Dense Retrieval


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The IR group of TU Wien participated in two tracks at TREC 2021: Deep Learning and Podcast segment retrieval. We continued our focus from our previous TREC participations on efficient approaches for retrieval and re-ranking. We propose a simple training process for compressing a dense retrieval model’s output. First, we train it with full capacity, and then add a compression, or dimensionality reduction, layer on top and conduct a second full training pass. At TREC 2021 we test this model in a blind evaluation and zero-shot collection transfer for both Deep Learning and Podcast tracks. For our participation at the Podcast segment retrieval track, we also employ hybrid sparse-dense retrieval. Furthermore, we utilize auxiliary information to re-rank the retrieved segments by entertainment and subjectivity signals. Our results show that our simple compression procedure with approximate nearest neighbor search achieves comparable in-domain results (minus 2 points nDCG@10 difference) to a full TAS-Balanced retriever and reasonable effectiveness in a zero-shot domain transfer (Podcast track), where we outperform BM25 by 6 points nDCG@10.
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