FlowShark: Sampling for High Flow Visibility in SDNs

IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)(2022)

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As the scale and speed of modern networks continue to increase, traffic sampling has become an indispensable tool in network management. While there exist a plethora of sampling solutions, they either provide limited flow visibility or have poor scalability in large networks. This paper presents the design and evaluation of FlowShark, a high-visibility per-flow sampling system for Software-Defined Networks (SDNs). The key idea in FlowShark is to separate sampling decisions on short and long flows, whereby sampling short flows is managed locally on edge switches, while a central controller optimizes sampling decisions on long flows. To this end, we formulate flow sampling as an optimization problem and design an online algorithm with a bounded competitive ratio to solve the problem efficiently. To show the feasibility of our design, we have implemented FlowShark in a small OpenFlow network using Mininet. We present experimental results of our Mininet implementation as well as performance benchmarks obtained from packet-level simulations in larger networks. Our experiments with a machine learning based Traffic Classifier application show up to 27% and 19% higher classification recall and precision, respectively, with FlowShark compared to existing sampling approaches.
high flow visibility,traffic sampling,network management,per-flow sampling system,software-defined networks,separate sampling decisions,optimization problem,bounded competitive ratio,OpenFlow network,FlowShark,SDN,traffic classifier application
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