Recent Changes Automobile Companies have Made in an Attempt to Exploit Greener Alternatives from using Toxic Heavy Metals to Produce Electric Cars


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The aim of this project is to outline the need for government and companies to adopt a different approach to achieving automobile sustainability by improving the legislation involved in the introduction of electric vehicles containing toxic heavy metals. Kampman et al. (2010), suggests that alternatively fuelled vehicles present a great opportunity to achieve sustainability in the automobile industry. However, the success of the introduction of these vehicles, focusing on the Electric car, depends on the nature of their entry into the marketplace, putting the proper policies in place, the appropriate technological readjustments made to their batteries and performance, and effectively meeting the needs of the consumer. The potential of delivering zero or lower emissions and the efficient use of energy resources specifically renewable sources is also vital. This project would involve a review of the available policies that regulate activities in the automobile industry with specific reference to electric vehicles and how these policies can be modified to support the introduction of electric cars. It also involves a review of heavy metals used in making electric vehicles, the legislation restricting their usage and the toxicity of these metals with a view to suggesting ways in which these heavy metals would not constitute an environmental nuisance. Also with, an analysis of the portion of the electric vehicle where toxic heavy metals are contained, that is, the batteries, its energy conservation capability and the cost implication of buying the electric vehicle or replacing its batteries. Finally, the business implication of the emergence of the electric vehicle for automobile companies is analysed, along with the potential of this as an alternative to the internal combustion engine.
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