Emergence of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus rhdv-2 in china


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Rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) is an acute fatal disease caused by the Lagovirus rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), which was first r eported in 1984 in China. Strains of two different genotypes (GI.1a and GI.1c) have been detected in C hina to date. In 2010, a new RHDV variant with a unique genetic and antigenic profile was identified n France, designated RHDV2, which rapidly spread throughout continental Europe and nearby isl and . Here, we report the first outbreak of RHD induced by RHDV2 (GI.2) in rabbit farms in the Sich uan province of China. We conducted phylogenetic analysis of the new RHDV isolate SC202 0/ 4, which was identified as a non-recombinant strain belonging to the RHDV2 (GI.2 ) genogroup. The current GI.1 licensed vaccine used in China could not provide effective protectio n against the new isolate. Considering the serious risk of RHDV2 to the Chinese rabbit industry, the c irculation of RHDV2 in the population should be carefully monitored in China.
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