Report of a blind student of Speech-Language Pathology (SLP): personal experience with the care practice of stuttering in an undergraduate course


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Despite the increase in the enrollment of people with disabilities in higher education indicated by data from an official research institute in Brazil (INEP), these students still represent a small range in relation to the total number of admissions. As a higher education that is inclusive and open to diversity has been widely studied and encouraged in Brazil, it is of great relevance to report the experience of a blind student who graduated from a course of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, regarding his training and inclusion through teaching-service integration practices, such as the care of a stuttering patient. The undergraduate course in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and the action of professors specialized in visual disability promoted all support to the inclusion of the student. In the practical class in the care of patients with stuttering, the student was supported by the professor responsible for the subject and by a monitor from the Teaching Internship Program of the university. This joint work promoted actions such as material adaptations, image descriptions, and the opportunity to know the room beforehand, etc. Due to these and other actions, the student developed as a therapist, establishing a solid bond with the patient, who progressed and was discharged from therapy at the end of the semester. This experience reinforces the need for higher education institutions to be prepared and aware to the demands of people with disabilities in all undergraduate courses, such as Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.
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