Fabrication Features of a Microfluidic System Formation for Hybrid-integrated Biosensors Based on Peptide Aptamers

Nikita O. Sitkov,Tatiana M. Zimina, Anastasia A. Kostrykina,Alexey A. Kolobov, Margarita I. Kiseleva

2022 Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus)(2022)

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The development of technologies for manufacturing elements of novel hybrid microfluidic biosensors intended for portable express biomedical analysis systems have been carried out. The microfluidic system is an important functional element of a low-power label-free optical system for detecting protein structures based on molecular recognition. The process of manufacturing a microfluidic system of a given topology for label-free fluorometric detection of protein structures is presented. The technological process included formation of the relief of the microfluidic system, for which SU-8 technologies and dry film photoresist were studied and deposition of solid-state luminophore with 3 different methods. The processes of sealing the system, installation of input ports and its packaging using micro-assembly technologies are described. As a result, a variant of the technology for creating a heterogeneously integrated microfluidic biosensor system was formed based on a combination of standard technological processes and the use of materials of different nature.
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Key words
microfluidics,lab-on-a-chip,biosensors,hybrid integration,dry film photoresist,peptide aptamers
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