IOT Based Three Phase Transmission Line Fault Detection

Saurabh Verma,Shivani Jaiswal, Aayush Rawat, Abhishek Kumar Singh

2022 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)(2022)

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If we look at the current system of finding the transmission line error, there are a few problems, a few of them including a lack of skilled staff, increased risks and time-consuming processes. The automation process is known to solve many or all such problems that are common to normal processes. This is another such effort to create a simple and inexpensive solution that works for future Electric Power Transmission Plans providers and operators in different stages or channels. Transmission error detection system can detect an error when the line breaks and closes power supply with the wrong line until the operator closes the entire line once it has confirmed the error. The system monitors line error 3-line sequence namely Stages R, Y, B. If an error is detected the system sends a notification to the line The monitoring channel also provides information about the faulty line and the distance the line is located broken. The system is also capable of transmitting line voltage to the monitoring station.
3 phase fault,ESP8266 (Node MCU),Relay,Sensor,Fault Detection,Wi-Fi module
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