Evaluation of the strength in Receiving-end Power Grid Considering Wind Power Injection

2021 IEEE 5th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2)(2021)

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The receiving-end power grid which large-scale renewable energy access and multi-infeed HVDC external power access requires system put a reliable power system strength to ensure the stability of the receiving-end system. However, the coupling relationship between devices and between devices and AC systems. Therefore, how to calculate and describe the voltage stability of the system has become a necessary problem to be solved in the double high power system. From the perspective of generalized short circuit ratio of multi-infeed HVDC, the static voltage stability of multi-infeed HVDC receiving-end system considering wind power connection is studied. Firstly, based on the steady-state model of the system, the influence of wind power on the power flow Jacobian matrix is analyzed, and the qualitative analysis of the influence on the power grid strength is completed through the sensitivity of eigenvalues; secondly, a modal perturbation theory based on gSCR and Calculation method of MIDC critical generalized short circuit ratio after wind power is connected. Finally, the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified by a simulation example.
multi-infeed receiving end system,Static voltage stability,modal perturbation theory
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