Characterization of image intensifier tubes in vary temperature environments

Eighth Symposium on Novel Photoelectronic Detection Technology and Applications(2022)

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Image intensifiers have been wildly used for military, law enforcement and commercial applications. Its small size, weight and power (SWaP) make it ideal for integration into different systems. Normally, the performance of image intensifiers is measured at room temperature, but it is expected to operate in vary temperature environments. Therefore, it is very important to know the variation of the image intensifiers performance with temperature. Here, we characterize the variation of intensifier photocathode, microchannel plates (MCPs) and phosphor screen over a large range of temperatures. The “bare” tube is connected to high voltage power supplies via cables. The power supplies and all measuring instruments are outside the chamber in order to avoid the influence of temperature. The result could be used to optimize and control the luminance gain of image intensifiers.
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Microchannel Plates
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