Learning Spatio-Temporal Attention Based Siamese Network for Tracking UAVs in the Wild


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The popularity of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has made anti-UAV technology increasingly urgent. Object tracking, especially in thermal infrared videos, offers a promising solution to counter UAV intrusion. However, troublesome issues such as fast motion and tiny size make tracking infrared drone targets difficult and challenging. This work proposes a simple and effective spatio-temporal attention based Siamese method called SiamSTA, which performs reliable local searching and wide-range re-detection alternatively for robustly tracking drones in the wild. Concretely, SiamSTA builds a two-stage re-detection network to predict the target state using the template of first frame and the prediction results of previous frames. To tackle the challenge of small-scale UAV targets for long-range acquisition, SiamSTA imposes spatial and temporal constraints on generating candidate proposals within local neighborhoods to eliminate interference from background distractors. Complementarily, in case of target lost from local regions due to fast movement, a third stage re-detection module is introduced, which exploits valuable motion cues through a correlation filter based on change detection to re-capture targets from a global view. Finally, a state-aware switching mechanism is adopted to adaptively integrate local searching and global re-detection and take their complementary strengths for robust tracking. Extensive experiments on three anti-UAV datasets nicely demonstrate SiamSTA's advantage over other competitors. Notably, SiamSTA is the foundation of the 1st-place winning entry in the 2nd Anti-UAV Challenge.
anti-UAV,single object tracking,thermal infrared videos,Siamese network,correlation filter,re-detect,motion feature
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