Research on a method of high robust artillery image stabilization calibration

Xin Yue,LiangLiang Li, Ting Yang

International Conference on Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Processing (ICCAID 2021)(2022)

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The performance index of artillery weapon sight calibration directly affects the probability of first shot hit. In order to improve the accuracy of artillery image stabilization calibration, a highly robust artillery image stabilization calibration method was established. Through the establishment of a long straight line fitting model for edge detection, the calibration of the gun’s image stabilization bullseye, adaptive fine mask region of interest extraction and local intersection extraction, realize image stabilization and precise calibration detection. The e experiment shows that the calibration method designed in this paper reduces the average calibration error of 0.5292 compared with the existing algorithm, and can more accurately realize the calibration and detection of the gun sight.
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