iso#2009The high concentrations of abscisic, jasmonic, and salicylic acids produced under long days do not accelerate flowering in Chenopodium ficifolium 459

Plant Science(2022)

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The survival and adaptation of angiosperms depends on the proper timing of flowering. The weedy species Chenopodium ficifolium serves as a useful diploid model for comparing the transition to flowering with the important tetraploid crop Chenopodium quinoa due to the close phylogenetic relationship. The detailed transcriptomic and hormonomic study of the floral induction was performed in the short-day accession C. ficifolium 459. The plants grew more rapidly under long days but flowered later than under short days. The high levels of abscisic, jasmonic, and salicylic acids at long days were accompanied by the elevated expression of the genes responding to oxidative stress. The increased concentrations of stress-related phytohormones neither inhibited the plant growth nor accelerated flowering in C. ficifolium 459 at long photoperiods. Enhanced content of c ytokinins and the stimulation of cytokinin and gibberellic acid signaling pathways under short days may indicate the possible participation of these phytohormones in floral initiation. The accumulation of auxin metabolites suggests the presence of a dynamic regulatory network in C. ficifolium 459. • Day length is an important environmental cue to trigger flowering. • Chenopodium ficifolium 459 flowers earlier under short days. • Abscisic, salicylic, and jasmonic acids are elevated at long days in C. ficifolium. • ABA, SA, and JA neither accelerate flowering, nor inhibit growth in this species.
Flowering,Chenopodium ficifolium,Transcriptome,Abscisic acid,Jasmonic acid,Salicylic acid
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