Cultural Practices as Part of Socioeconomic Development Strategies in One Belt One Road: a Conceptual Insight

East Asia(2021)

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China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) centres on building a harmonious world, by reorienting the already tumultuous international community, towards the path of sustainable, peaceful and harmonious coexistence. From a cultural perspective, the OBOR is a heritage, an embodiment of brilliant civilization, glorious historic past and extraordinary creativity of mankind. It harbours both tangible and intangible representations of the values, beliefs, traditions and lifestyles of prior generations that are valuable to the present generations. Evidence of historical socioeconomic development and intricacies thrived on the exchange of cultural values shared by all mankind. By drawing from diverse conceptual frameworks embedded in traditional Chinese cultural values, the study offers an insightful illustration of cultural practices in contemporary China’s socioeconomic development through the OBOR. Capturing how cultural values underpins the socioeconomic development pattern in OBOR, geopolitical decisions and actions aimed at managing conflicts and the inclusive nature of OBOR.
One Belt One Road Initiative, Socioeconomic development, Development strategy, Cultural values, Cultural practices, Harmonious society
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