Regolith characterization and landscape evolution for geochemical exploration of the covered Yamarna Terrane, Western Australia

Journal of Geochemical Exploration(2022)

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The easternmost Archaean Yamarna Terrane is the least explored terrane under transported cover in the Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia. Our aims are to understand the evolution of the paleolandscape, determine the weathering history and depositional processes, and the provenance, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Permian to Quaternary transported cover. This is a necessary step for selecting the appropriate sample media to vector towards buried mineral deposits in this terrane. The Permian cover was deposited in broad, structurally controlled valleys that were carved into and partly to completely truncate the previously weathered Archaean rocks. UPb dating of zircon grains indicates that the main provenance of the Permian cover on the Yamarna Terrane is the Albany-Fraser Orogen, with limited contribution from the Yilgarn Craton, Musgrave Province and Antarctica. The Permian cover of the paleovalleys wedges out laterally towards pre-existing, weathered basement paleohighs, capped by lateritic residuum. The Permian cover is deeply weathered, and consists of upper ferruginous (mottled, brecciated, pisolitic and nodular) and lower kaolinitic, poorly lithified sandstones and mudstones with a basal gravel at the bottom. Above the basal unconformity between the Permian and weathered Archaean, the Rb/Zr ratio decreases sharply and the Permian cover shows negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*) compared to positive Eu/Eu* in the underlying weathered and fresh mafic Archaean rocks, suggesting distal felsic source rocks for the Permian cover. In places, where Au increases, the base of the Permian cover still shows positive Eu/Eu* anomalies, suggesting physical dispersion from proximal mineralized mafic rocks.
Weathered Permian cover,Aeolian sand,Gold,Provenance,Mineralogy,Geochemistry
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