Changes of inflammation and platelet indices in patients with endometriotic cysts and ovarian clear cell carcinoma

Journal of Reproductive Immunology(2021)

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Financial contributions from industry for physician-led research have been historically challenging to study in plastic surgery. However, as mandated by the Physician Payments Sunshine Act of 2013, the Open Payments Database (OPD) has increased transparency in payments from industry to physicians. This study aimed to analyze trends in industry-sponsored research funding for plastic surgeons. Using the OPD, research payments from industry made to plastic surgeons from 2014 to 2018 were examined. Total payments and number of payments were recorded by recipient's census region (e.g., Northeast, Midwest, South, West) and therapeutic area (e.g., breast prosthetics/reconstruction, wound healing/tissue engineering, software/instrumentation, biologics, cosmetics/injectables). Payments totaled across 5 years in each therapeutic area for each region were also analyzed. Location of company U.S. headquarters and therapeutic area were recorded. Statistical analyses were performed using SAS 9.4. Brown–Mood test, t test, Kruskal–Wallis, Mann–Whitney, and linear regression tests were used. Aggregated over 5 years, the greatest payment value was allocated to wound healing/tissue engineering, whereas the number of payments was highest in breast prosthetics/reconstruction. Private plastic surgeons receive significantly higher payments compared to academic plastic surgeons. With such findings, greater transparency and additional years of OPD data may provide further insight into industry influence on physician-led research in plastic surgery.
endometriotic cysts,ovarian clear cell carcinoma,platelet indices
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