
Managing an evolving pandemic: Cryptic circulation of the Delta variant during the Omicron rise.

The Science of the total environment(2022)

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SARS-CoV-2 continued circulation results in mutations and the emergence of various variants. Until now, whenever a new, dominant, variant appeared, it overpowered its predecessor after a short parallel period. The latest variant of concern, Omicron, is spreading swiftly around the world with record morbidity reports. Unlike the Delta variant, previously considered to be the main variant of concern in most countries, including Israel, the dynamics of the Omicron variant showed different characteristics. To enable quick assessment of the spread of this variant we developed an RT-qPCR primers-probe set for the direct detection of Omicron variant. Characterized as highly specific and sensitive, the new Omicron detection set was deployed on clinical and wastewater samples. In contrast to the expected dynamics whereupon the Delta variant diminishes as Omicron variant increases, representative results received from wastewater detection indicated a cryptic circulation of the Delta variant even with the increased levels of Omicron variant. Resulting wastewater data illustrated the very initial Delta-Omicron dynamics occurring in real time. Despite this, the future development and dynamics of the two variants side-by-side is still mainly unknown. Based on the initial results, a double susceptible-infected-recovered model was developed for the Delta and Omicron variants. According to the developed model, it can be expected that the Omicron levels will decrease until eliminated, while Delta variant will maintain its cryptic circulation. If this comes to pass, the mentioned cryptic circulation may result in the reemergence of a Delta morbidity wave or in the possible generation of a new threatening variant. In conclusion, the deployment of wastewater-based epidemiology is recommended as a convenient and representative tool for pandemic containment.
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