A multi-faceted approach to COVID-19 surveillance at a large university campus in the southeastern US.

Disaster medicine and public health preparedness(2022)

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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to present unique public health challenges both within the United States and across the globe. Institutions of higher learning are tasked with preventing and responding to COVID-19 on campus while also considering implications for the surrounding communities. The process of re-opening campus, whether at full or partial capacity, has tasked these institutions with overcoming complex challenges associated with balancing the resumption of campus operations while simultaneously protecting university affiliates and surrounding community members from COVID-19 through robust surveillance, contact tracing, and testing efforts. Here, we provide a concise outline related to the development and implementation of the comprehensive and sustainable COVID-19 surveillance program at the University of Florida. We also critically discuss the successes and pitfalls of this program while also providing recommendations for the development of similar programs in the future.
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COVID-19,college campus,disease surveillance,epidemiology,surveillance program
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