Determining chorionicity and amnionicity in twin pregnancies: Pitfalls

Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology(2022)

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Although the accuracy of chorioamnionicity determination in multiple pregnancy is nearly 100%, some pitfalls do exist. These pitfalls may arise from some confusing sonographic appearance or because of certain rare variations of twinning going against the general principles. Pitfalls in chorionicity determination include (1) the disappearance of the twin peak sign with the regression of chorion frondosum and thinning of the intertwin membrane with advancing gestation; (2) fake twin peak sign because of other structures creeping into the intertwin membrane-placental junction; (3) intrauterine septum or synechia being mistaken as a thick intertwin membrane; (4) bipartite placenta in monochorionic twin being misinterpreted as two separate placentas of dichorionic twin; (5) erroneous fetal sex determination in sex chromosome mosaicism, monogenic disorders, and malformed genitalia in one fetus; and (6) rare twinning types such as dizygotic monochorionic twin and sesquizygotic twin. Pitfalls in amnionicity determination are (1) the lack of correlation between the number of yolk sacs and amnionicity and (2) failure to visualize the intertwin membrane because of technical issues.
Chorionicity,Twin peak sign,Separate placentas,Discordant sex,Dizygotic twin,Sesquizygotic twin
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