Determination of Serum Progranulin in Patients with Untreated Familial Hypercholesterolemia


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Background: Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal dominant trait characterized by elevated LDL-C concentrations and is associated with an increased risk of premature atherosclerosis. Progranulin (PGRN) is a multifunctional protein that is known to have various anti-atherogenic effects. To date, the use of serum PGRN in patients with FH has not been studied. Methods: In total, 81 untreated patients with heterozygous FH (HeFH) and 32 healthy control subjects were included in this study. Serum PGRN, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, oxLDL and TNFoc concentrations were determined by ELISA. Lipoprotein subfractions were detected by Lipoprint. We diagnosed FH using the Dutch Lipid Clinic Network criteria. Results: We could not find a significant difference between the PGRN concentrations of the HeFH patients and controls (37.66 +/- 9.75 vs. 38.43 +/- 7.74 ng/mL, ns.). We found significant positive correlations between triglyceride, TNF alpha, sVCAM-1, the ratio of small HDL subfraction and PGRN, while significant negative correlations were found between the ratio of large HDL subfraction and PGRN both in the whole study population and in FH patients. PGRN was predicted by sVCAM-1, logTNFoc and the ratio of small HDL subfraction. Conclusions: The strong correlations between HDL subfractions, inflammatory markers and PGRN suggest that PGRN may exert its anti-atherogenic effect in HeFH through the alteration of HDL composition and the amelioration of inflammation rather than through decreasing oxidative stress.
progranulin, familial hypercholesterolemia, inflammation, tumor necrosis factor alpha, high-density lipoprotein subfraction
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