Magnetoelastic Resonance Sensors: Principles, Applications, and Perspectives


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Magnetoelastic resonators are gaining attention asan incredibly versatile and sensitive transduction platform for thedetection of varied physical, chemical, and biological parameters.These sensors, based on the coupling effect between mechanicaland magnetic properties of ME platforms, stand out in comparisonto alternative technologies due to their low cost and wirelessdetection capability. Several parameters have been optimized overthe years to improve their performance, such as their composition,surface functionalization, or shape geometry. In this review, theworking principles, recent advances, and future perspectives ofmagnetoelastic resonance transducers are introduced, highlightingtheir potentials as a versatile platform for sensing applications.First, the fundamental principles governing the magnetoelasticresonators performance are introduced as well as the most common magnetoelastic materials and their main fabrication methods aredescribed. Second, the versatility and technical feasibility of magnetoelastic resonators for biological, chemical, and physical sensingare highlighted and the most recent results and functionalization processes are summarized. Finally, the forefront advances to furtherimprove the performance of magnetoelastic resonators for sensing applications have been identified.
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chemical sensors, biosensors, wireless detection, magnetoelastic resonance, geometry engineering, magnetoelastic alloys, advanced functionalization, high sensitivity devices
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