Comment on "On the recurrence times of neutron star X-ray binary transients and the nature of the Galactic Center quiescent X-ray binaries"


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In 2018, we reported our discovery of a dozen quiescent X-ray binaries in the central parsec (pc) of the Galaxy (Hailey et al. 2018). In a recent follow-up paper (Mori et al. 2021), we published an extended analysis of these sources and other X-ray binaries (XRBs) in the central pc and beyond, showing that most if not all of the 12 non-thermal sources are likely black hole low-mass X-ray binary (BH-LMXB) candidates. In response, Maccarone et al. 2022 (TM22 hereafter) argued, primarily on the claim that neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries (NS-LMXBs) often do not have short outburst recurrence times (<~ 10 yr), that they cannot be excluded as a designation for the 12 quiescent X-ray binary sources. TM22 cites three main factors in their study: (1) X-ray outburst data of NS transients detected by RXTE and MAXI, (2) the Galactic population of NS-LMXBs, and (3) (persistently) quiescent NS-LMXBs in globular clusters. We address these arguments of TM22 and correct their misunderstandings of our work and the literature, even though most of these points have already been thoroughly addressed by Mori et al. 2021. We also correct TM22's assertion that our arguments are based solely on NS transients' recurrence times.
neutron,galactic center,recurrence times,transients,star,x-ray,x-ray
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