A different approach to the electronic waste handling – A review

Materials Today: Proceedings(2021)

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The beginning of the 21st century has already witnessed the devastating effects of climate change on human civilization. Like Climate change, electronic waste is also a by-product of the industrial revolution and development. As we progress, we leave behind technologies that could not match up with the demand of time. Technologies that were considered the most advanced in their era were discarded for human civilization's ever-growing needs. These discarded reminiscences of old times are still physically and chemically active and continuously interacting with the surroundings. This study focuses on key factors contributing to the generation of wastes, its growth rate, possible ways to slow down the generation, and ways to tackle its already existing volume. We have discussed how e-waste handling is primarily a result of a short-sighted approach against the widely accepted perspectives. We have addressed different legislation, conventions, and initiatives worldwide, but collectively they are still not enough for a sustainable future. We have also given a brief overview of recycling processes. Different outlooks to approach e-waste handling have also been shown. This paper serves as an educative medium for the present scenario and its extrapolation to the near future.
Electronic waste,Recycling,Waste processing,Metal recovery
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