Identifying miRNAs in the modulation of gene regulation associated with ammonia toxicity in catfish, Clarias magur (Linnaeus, 1758)

Molecular Biology Reports(2022)

Cited 18|Views10
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Background The small non-coding microRNAs play a vital role in post-transcriptional gene regulation associated with different physiological events such as metabolism, stress, etc. The freshwater catfish, Clarias magur , can grow within hyper ammonia containing stagnant water bodies and/or muddy substratum. We intended to identify organ-specific miRNAs associated with ammonia stress management. Methods and results The miRNA-libraries were generated from QC passed total RNA extracted from liver, muscle, and kidney of ammonia-treated (exposed to 25 mM NH4Cl for 14 days) and untreated catfish. The libraries were validated using High sensitivity D1000 Screen tape. The trimmed quality-filtered reads for control and treated samples of kidney were 19,406,210; 14,904,423; for liver 15,467,727; 18,582,072; and for muscle 25,081,345; 19,782,182 respectively. Total 120 known and 150 novel differentially expressed miRNAs were identified, out of which miR-200, miR-217, miR-122, miR-133, miR-145, miR-221, miR-19, miR-138, miR-34, and miR-184 were predicted to be involved in the metabolism of nitrogen. The key miRNAs targeted several genes associated with urea synthesis like Glutaminase 2 , Argininosuccinate lyase , Glutamate dehydrogenase 1 , Alanine aminotransferase 2-like , Aspartate aminotransferase , cytoplasmic-like , Glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2A , etc. Conclusions This is the first report of miRNAs, which serve as a vital resource for regulating nitrogen metabolism in freshwater catfish, C. magur . The data will be resourceful for further evaluating the regulatory role of miRNAs in fishes, which grow and reproduce very well in hazardous ammonia-contaminated water bodies.
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Key words
miRNAs, Clarias magur , Next generation sequencing, Nitrogen metabolism
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