Do adult eelgrass shoots rule seedling fate in a large seagrass meadow in a eutrophic bay in northern China?

Marine pollution bulletin(2022)

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We conducted field sampling over 19 months to investigate eelgrass population reproduction status and ecological interactions in a large seagrass meadow in a eutrophic bay in northern China. The results showed asexual growth played an important role in the maintenance of existing meadows, and sexual reproduction played a critical role in the colonization of new areas. We conclude that adult eelgrass shoots do rule the fate of seedlings in the large seagrass meadow. Additionally, nutrient resources (N and P) at this location were found to meet eelgrass growth demand. The N/P ratios of seawater and seagrass indicated N limitation relative to P in the eutrophic bay based on the seagrass Redfield ratio (25-30). Nutrient uptake by seagrass might be an important factor in reducing the probability of a red tide in the study area. The results of this study provide fundamental information for eelgrass restoration and conservation.
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