A baseline for the genetic stock identification of Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, in ICES Divisions 6.a, 7.b–c


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Atlantic herring in ICES Divisions 6.a, 7.b-c comprises at least three populations, distinguished by temporal and spatial differences in spawning, which have until recently been managed as two stocks defined by geographic delineators. Outside of spawning the populations form mixed aggregations, which are the subject of acoustic surveys. The inability to distinguish the populations has prevented the development of separate survey indices and separate stock assessments. A panel of 45 SNPs, derived from whole genome sequencing, were used to genotype 3,480 baseline spawning samples (2014-2021). A temporally stable baseline comprising 2,316 herring from populations known to inhabit Division 6.a was used to develop a genetic assignment method, with a self-assignment accuracy >90%. The long-term temporal stability of the assignment model was validated by assigning archive (2003-2004) baseline samples (270 individuals) with a high level of accuracy. Assignment of non-baseline samples (1,514 individuals) from Division 6.a, 7.b-c indicated previously unrecognised levels of mixing of populations outside of the spawning season. The genetic markers and assignment models presented constitute a ‘toolbox’ that can be used for the assignment of herring caught in mixed survey and commercial catches in Division 6.a into their population of origin with a high level of accuracy. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
atlantic herring,genetic stock identification
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