Drivers of long-term support for marine protected areas in The Bahamas

William R. Casola, Mike Rehnberg,M. Nils Peterson, Kristen Blake, Tyana Thorne,R. Brian Langerhans

Ocean & Coastal Management(2022)

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Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a critical tool for fisheries conservation and require public support to function effectively. Although much research highlights ways to develop public support for MPAs, less is known about how and why support for MPAs persists over time. We contribute to this literature with a case study on Andros, The Bahamas by examining how support for MPAs established in the early 2000s has persisted and changed over two decades. We interviewed 162 residents with fisheries and tourism related livelihoods between May and June of 2019. Our results indicated long-term support for MPAs was primarily predicted by: 1) access to alternative sources of income outside fishing, 2) attendance at MPA scoping meetings, 3) age, and 4) level of formal education. Support for future MPA establishment was positively predicted by support for previous MPAs, concern about overfishing, the perception among residents that MPAs were established for the right reasons, and residence within tourism-associated settlements. These results suggest public engagement in MPA establishment and preserving fishing livelihoods, or providing viable alternatives, will promote long-term public support for future MPAs.
Marine protected areas,Marine governance,Conservation,Caribbean,Fisheries
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