Spin ice in a general applied magnetic field: Kasteleyn transition, magnetic torque and rotational magnetocaloric effect

Mark Potts,Owen Benton


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Spin ice is a paradigmatic frustrated system famous for the emergence of magnetic monopoles and a large magnetic entropy at low temperatures. It exhibits unusual behavior in the presence of an external magnetic field as a result of the competition between the spin ice entropy and the Zeeman energy. Studies of this have generally focused on fields applied along high symmetry directions: [111], [001], and [110]. Here we consider a model of spin ice with external field in an arbitrary direction. We find that the Kasteleyn transition known for [001] fields, appears also for general field directions and calculate the associated Kasteleyn temperature T_K as a function of field direction. T_K is found to vanish, with a logarithmic dependence on field angle, approaching certain lines of special field directions. We further investigate the thermodynamic properties of spin ice for T>T_K, using a Husimi cactus approximation. As the system is cooled towards T_K a large magnetic torque appears, tending to align the [001] crystal axis with the external field. The model also exhibits a rotational magnetocaloric effect: significant temperature changes can be obtained by adabiatically rotating the crystal relative to a fixed field.
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