Targeting the Key Enzymes of Abnormal Fatty Acid beta-oxidation as a Potential Strategy for Tumor Therapy


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Fatty acid metabolism has attracted extensive attention for its key role in the occurrence and development of tumors. Fatty acids not only participate in the biosynthesis of phospholipids in the membrane to overcome the demand for rapidly proliferating membrane lipids but also provide ATP, signaling molecules, and NADPH through beta-oxidation to maintain tumor survival and growth. However, the specific role of fatty acid beta-oxidation in tumors and the description of multiple potential targets in this process are not comprehensive and systematic. Therefore, this review summarizes the function of fatty acid beta-oxidation in tumors and studies of key enzymes that catalyze related reactions in various stages to improve the overall understanding of fatty acid beta-oxidation and search for novel tumor treatment strategies and ideas.
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fatty acid beta-oxidation,tumor,ATP,NADPH,review
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