Defining trapezial dysplasia - analysis of trapezial inclination in a normal population


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We assess the distribution of trapezial inclination in a young population in order to propose a threshold for trapezial dysplasia. One hundred peritrapezial views were reconstructed from wrist computed tomography scan datasets to measure trapezial inclination. Seventy peritrapezial views were constructed from 10 datasets to assess the influence of radiograph rotation. Mean trapezial inclination in our population was 8 degrees (range 0.2-17.9). Fifteen degrees of radiographic pronation or supination did not alter trapezial inclination significantly. Intra-rater consistency and absolute agreement had an interclass correlation (ICC) of 0.95. Inter-rater consistency and absolute agreement had an ICC of 0.88. Trapezial inclination is a reliable measurement for trapezial dysplasia with an excellent intra-rater and good inter-rater reliability and does not change significantly with 15 degrees of radiographic pronation or supination. These normal values can be used to propose a threshold for trapezial dysplasia in the management of trapeziometacarpal joint instability in the younger population.
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Trapezial dysplasia, trapezial inclination, trapeziometacarpal instability, CMC1 instability
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