Serological Diversity of Dichelobacter nodosus in German Sheep Flocks


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Simple Summary Footrot is an infectious hoof disease in sheep, caused by the bacterium Dichelobacter nodosus. The antigentic variation of the fimbrial proteins resulted in the description of up to ten serogroups (A-I and M). Vaccines against footrot target these fimbrial variants. Commercial vaccines are covering nine serogroups but have low efficacy compared to vaccines based on two serogroups. Therefore, our study investigated the prevalence and distribution of the nine serogroups A-I in German sheep flocks with the aim to detect the predominant serogroups guiding optimized vaccines based on two serogroups. Serogroup A was most common in our study, followed by serogroups B, H and C. More than one-third of the animals showed more than one serogroup. In flocks, we found, on average, 3.10 serogroups in a range of one to six. The nine serogroups were widely distributed across the flocks, with 50 different combinations across the 83 flocks investigated. The lack of two predominant serogroups in Germany impairs the nationwide protection against footrot by the usage of more efficient vaccines based on two serogroups and requires tailor-made flock-specific vaccines. Footrot is one of the major causes of lameness in sheep and leads to decreased animal welfare and high economic losses. The causative agent is the Gram-negative anaerobic bacterium Dichelobacter nodosus. The prevalence of D. nodosus in 207 sheep flocks across Germany was 42.9%. Based on the sequence variation in the type IV fimbrial gene fimA, D. nodosus can be subdivided into ten serogroups (A-I and M). There are commercially available vaccines covering nine serogroups, but the efficacy is low compared to bivalent vaccines. The aim of this study was to investigate the diversity of serogroups in Germany at the flock and animal levels. In total, we detected at least one serogroup in 819 samples out of 969 D. nodosus-positive samples from 83 flocks using serogroup-specific singleplex PCR for the serogroups A-I. Serogroup A was most prevalent at the animal level, followed by serogroups B, H and C. At the flock level, serogroups A and B had the highest prevalence, each with 64%, but only 40% of flocks had both. The average number of serogroups per animal was 1.42 (range one to five) and, per flock, 3.10 (range one to six). The serogrouping showed within-flock specific clusters but were widely distributed, with 50 different combinations across the flocks. The factors associated with the number of serogroups per animal and single serogroups were the load of D. nodosus, footrot score, sheep breed and flock. Our results indicate that efficient vaccination programs would benefit from tailor-made flock-specific vaccines and regular monitoring of circulating serotypes in the flock to be able to adjust vaccine formulations for nationwide progressive control of footrot in Germany.
footrot, sheep, serogroups, Dichelobacter nodosus, Germany, serogroup-specific PCR
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