Coordinating lot sizing and integrated production and distribution scheduling with batch delivery and holding cost


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Purpose The aim of this paper is to present a method for finding the optimum balance between sequence-dependent setup costs, holding costs, delivery costs and delay penalties in an integrated production-distribution system with lot sizing decisions. Design/methodology/approach Two mixed integer linear programming models and an optimality property are proposed for the problem. Since the problem is NP-hard, a genetic algorithm reinforced with a heuristic is developed for solving the model in large-scale settings. The algorithm parameters are tuned using the Taguchi method. Findings The results obtained on randomly generated instances reveal a performance advantage for the proposed algorithm; it is shown that lot sizing can reduce the average cost of the supply chain up to 11.8%. Furthermore, the effects of different parameters and factors of the proposed model on supply chain costs are examined through a sensitivity analysis. Originality/value Although integrated production and distribution scheduling in make-to-order industries has received a great deal of attention from researchers, most researchers in this area have treated each order as a job processed in an uninterrupted time interval, and no temporary holding costs are assumed. Even among the few studies where temporary holding costs are taken into consideration, none has examined the effect of splitting an order at the production stage (lot sizing) and the possibility of reducing costs through splitting. The present study is the first to take holding costs into consideration while incorporating lot sizing decisions in the operational production and distribution problem.
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Key words
Batch delivery, Lot sizing, Holding cost, Integrated production-distribution, Genetic algorithm
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