XReport: An online structured reporting platform for radiologists


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Currently the most widespread way of reporting in radiology is dictation mainly due to performance benefits. The output of this method is plain text, which varies in style (structure, nomenclature, abbreviations, etc.) and content between doctors even when reporting the exact same case. Templated radiology provides a structure for reporting and aims to help in generating more unified reports. We propose a web-based system for creating and using radiological structured reporting templates.We developed our software based on web technologies. We wrote the system with modular design in mind. We have separate libraries for the different functionalities: a rendering library which renders the templates based on a schema, an editor library which handles template creation, and an evaluator library, which parses, and executes our custom domain specific language, FormScript, which enables dynamic behavior in our templates. We also developed a Single Page Application to create, browse, use and share templating reports. The backend of the application is powered by Firebase from Google.We deployed our system at a publicly accessible domain at https://app.radiosheets.com.
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Structured reporting,Radiology,eHealth,JavaScript
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