MINSTED nanoscopy enters the Ångström localization range

Michael Weber, Henrik von der Emde,Marcel Leutenegger, Philip Gunkel,Volker C. Cordes, Sivakumar Sambandan,Taukeer A. Khan, Jan Keller-Findeisen,Stefan W. Hell


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We report all-optical, room-temperature localization of fluorophores with precision in the Ångström range. These precisions are attained in a STED microscope, by encircling the fluorophore with the low-intensity edge of the STED donut beam, while constantly increasing the absolute donut power. Individual fluorophores bound to a DNA strand are localized with σ = 4.7 Å, corresponding to a fraction of the fluorophore size, with only 2,000 detected photons. MINSTED fluorescence nanoscopy with single-digit nanometer resolution is exemplified by imaging nuclear pore complexes and the distribution of nuclear lamin in mammalian cells labeled by transient DNA hybridization. Since our experiments yield a localization precision σ = 2.3 Å, estimated for 10,000 detected photons, we anticipate that MINSTED will open up entirely new areas of application in the study of macromolecular complexes in cells. ### Competing Interest Statement The Max Planck Society hold patents on selected procedures and embodiments of MINSTED, benefitting H. v. d. E., M. L., M.W., and S. W. H..
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